Thursday, March 1, 2012

QLD: Beattie in the box seat says Borbidge

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD: Beattie in the box seat says Borbidge

Queensland Opposition leader ROB BORBIDGE says Premier PETER BEATTIE is on track to
be returned to government in Queensland.

Mr BORBDIGE has told the Seven Network that if there's a strong One Nation vote in
Saturday's state election, it will come off the conservatives.

He says that at this stage, Mr BEATTIE will be returned with an increased majority.

But the opposition leader says he's not dead yet and he'll be running hard all the
way up to the election.

One Nation leader PAULINE HANSON returns to Queensland tomorrow after helping Labor
to victory in Western Australia by directing party preferences away from sitting members.

AAP RTV geb/jmt


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