Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Chronic govt failures contributed to fires: Baillieu

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Chronic govt failures contributed to fires: Baillieu

MELBOURNE, Aug 18 AAP - There was a litany of failures by the Victorian government
to adopt fire policies before Black Saturday, state Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu says.

Warnings issued in "countless" investigations were ignored or delayed, contributing
to the devastating bushfires on February 7, he said.

The 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission's interim report released on Monday had drawn attention
to the government's "catalogue of failures", Mr Baillieu told reporters.

"(The government) must accept responsibilities for the failures of their own policy
decisions, for their own funding decisions of their own agencies.

"To do otherwise is to let down Victorians."

But Mr Baillieu refused to single out Country Fire Authority chief Russell Rees for
responsibility for the fires, following criticism of his role in the report.

"Clearly the commission report makes it difficult for him," he said. "But I particularly
do not want to single out any individual."

Mr Baillieu called on the government to act swiftly on the report's 51 recommendations
ahead of the next bushfire season.

He added government resources should be dedicated towards community education.

"Without the right information people won't make informed choices," he said.

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