Thursday, March 1, 2012

FED: Labor demands to know identities of Greenfields backers

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Labor demands to know identities of Greenfields backers

CANBERRA, Feb 2 AAP - Labor today demanded to know the identities of the people behind the
mysterious Greenfields Foundation, which made a $4.6 million loan to the Liberal Party.

The ALP said the loan, taken over by Greenfields from party treasurer Ron Walker and being
repaid at only $100,000 a year, was at less than commercial rates.

"It's certainly in everyone's best interest to know where the funding for political parties
comes from," Labor frontbencher John Faulkner told Radio National.

"We say that the Liberal Party should come clean.

"If they won't disclose the source or sources of the Greenfields loan you've got to ask
yourself why.

"I think Australians are entitled to ask the question of the Liberal Party, why are they
covering up?"

The Liberals have claimed that as the loan was not a gift it did not have to be disclosed.

The Australian Electoral Commission yesterday released the details of donations to
political parties.

Disclosure details showed the Liberal Party have repaid $100,000 on the loan.

Labor plans to pursue the identities of the Greenfields backers when Estimates Committee
hearings resume next week.

AAP fh/bjm


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