Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: State MPs caught misusing Telecards

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: State MPs caught misusing Telecards

A report by the New South Wales Auditor General says four New South Wales MPs had misused
their government-issued telephone cards.

None of the MPs, one of whom has since left parliament, are named in the report.

Auditor General BOB SENDT's report to state parliament found one MP's Telecard was
being used in Australia for local calls while the member was overseas.

The MP reimbursed the $700 bill following an internal investigation.

The report also revealed another member's Telecard was used in Canberra by the politician's
daughter while the MP was in parliament in Sydney.

The bill, details of which were not disclosed, was paid back in full in 1997.

The auditor general's report followed an audit office review of parliament policies
and controls over Telecard usage.

AAP RTV ls/jw/jn


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