Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Nationals headed for victory in Tamworth

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Nationals headed for victory in Tamworth

SYDNEY, Dec 8 AAP - The National Party was on course for victory tonight in the Tamworth
by-election in NSW.

With about three-quarters of the vote counted, Nationals candidate John Cull and Independent
James Treloar, Tamworth's mayor, emerged as front-runners on primary votes.

Mr Cull had polled just over 36 per cent of the votes, while Mr Treloar had almost 23 per cent.

But a preliminary distribution of preferences by the State Electoral Office has indicated
a victory for the Nationals.

The distribution puts Mr Cull's vote at 53 per cent to Mr Treloar's 35 per cent.

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